No Matches
Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- data : Utils::LaplaceOperatorDG< dim, degree, n_qpoints, n_components, number >
- define_agglomerate() : AgglomerationHandler< dim, spacedim >
- define_agglomerate_with_check() : AgglomerationHandler< dim, spacedim >
- dg_fe : Poisson< dim >
- diameter() : AgglomerationAccessor< dim, spacedim >
- difference_type : AgglomerationIterator< dim, spacedim >
- direct_solver : Utils::MGCoarseDirect< VectorType, MatrixType, SolverType >
- distribute_agglomerated_dofs() : AgglomerationHandler< dim, spacedim >
- distribute_jumps_and_averages() : Poisson< dim >
- dof_handlers : dealii::MGTransferAgglomeration< dim, VectorType >
- dummy_fe : AgglomerationHandler< dim, spacedim >