Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- m() : LinearOperatorMG< Range, Domain, Payload >, Utils::LaplaceOperatorDG< dim, degree, n_qpoints, n_components, number >
- make_grid() : Poisson< dim >
- MappingBox() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- master_cell() : AgglomerationIterator< dim, spacedim >
- MatrixFreeProjector() : dealii::MatrixFreeProjector< dim, OperatorType, Number >
- maybe_update_cell_quadrature_points() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- maybe_update_inverse_jacobians() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- maybe_update_jacobian_derivatives() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- maybe_update_jacobians() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- maybe_update_normal_vectors() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- maybe_update_volume_elements() : MappingBox< dim, spacedim >
- memory_consumption() : FE_AggloDGP< dim, spacedim >, MappingBox< dim, spacedim >::InternalData
- MGCoarseDirect() : Utils::MGCoarseDirect< VectorType, MatrixType, SolverType >
- MGTransferAgglomeration() : dealii::MGTransferAgglomeration< dim, VectorType >